7.3 Power Stroke - Oil Filter Replacement

I try to change the oil in my Excursion every 7,500 miles and use Schaeffer’s Synthetic Oil. Schaeffer products work very well. I saw some product tests done in my office at my old company that were very impressive.

In between oil changes I replace the oil filter to keep things nice and clean. So I end up purchasing two filters per oil change. Some people will use their Schaeffer oil much longer between changes and do this by sending in a sample of the oil for analysis. Schaeffer then reports on how the engine is doing based off the metals found in the oil and then lets you know when the oil needs to be changed. I have heard that some people are getting as much as 25,000 miles per oil change!

If I drove for a living then these tests would be very helpful in keeping my oil costs down. A person who drives a truck for a living can rack up 25,000 miles in no time. Since I don’t drive for a living I simply change it out every 7,500 miles, which for me is not all that often.

You will need an oil filter wrench to pull off the filter and a 2 gallon bucket to catch the oil that spills out of the old filter. They make two basic sizes of filter wrenches - one for smaller filters used on cars and one for larger filters used on trucks. Sometimes you can manage loosening them off by hand but you will want to tighten it up with a wrench. The one I purchased was less than $10 from O’Rilly’s.

Once the old filter is off and the new has been installed, you can put the oil back into the engine that overflowed out of the filter. The new filter will catch any debris. I would avoid shaking the oil out of the old filter because you don't want to shake any of the junk back into the bucket.

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1 Response
  1. John Says:

    When's the boat going to be ready? We need to go fishing.